Picnic FAQ

  1. Can one join the event without registering in advance? Due to covid concerns, we need to know in advance how many people are attending. Therefore there is no “On-the-spot” registration. Only families who register on the website before the deadline  of Mayy  31, 2022 may attend. 
  2. Is the online payment channel used in the process secure? Yes, highly secured PayPal service is used with either any PayPal account or a credit card to process the payments and we do not use/store any credit card information with us. Your payment is as secured as any payment through PayPal.
  3. What’s the payment provision for the children? Children below 5 years of age may join without a donation.
  4. What are the payment  provisions  for parents visiting from India? visting parents do not have to donate – you may donate any appropriate amount at your discretion. 
  5. What is the cancellation policy once registered? You may request for cancellation in case you are not able to make to the event due to any of your inconvenience on any day before June 2nd, 2022. After that, we would have committed the expenses for food that we cannot reverse. 
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